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发布时间:2023-08-16 浏览:2913次



On 3 August, the Ministry of Public Security held a press conference on "Excellent Services Provided to Ensure the High-quality Development of Public Security Organ” and issued twenty-six new measures. Among them, the following two measures will bring advantages for foreigners.








New Measure 


1.To issue port visa for eligible foreign traders. For foreigners coming to China for business negotiations, trade exchanges, installation and maintenance, participation in exhibitions, investment and starting startups, who do not have enough time to apply visas overseas, they could apply for port visas to enter China with the invitation letter and other certification materials of the enterprise. For those who need to have multiple business trips, after their entries, they could apply for a business visa with multiple entries with a validity period for three years.


2.Foreigners applying for residence permits will be exempt from retaining passports. Foreigners will not be required to retain the original passport after verification in accordance with the new regulations, so as to facilitate foreigners to handle relevant matters with their original passports during this period of time.










Analysis of the New Measures 


1.To provide visa convenience for foreign traders.

This measure will further promote cross-border business exchanges, facilitate foreign traders to carry out various business activities such as business cooperation, business visit and negotiation smoothly and efficiently, and help domestic enterprises grasp the opportunity to get orders and expand the international market.


2.Foreigners applying for residence permits will be exempt from retaining passports.

This measure focuses on permanent foreign residents who are for work, study, scientific research, investment, innovative startup as well as visiting relatives in China.They can continue to carry out social activities such as travelling, accommodation, tax, banking and mailing with their passports during the period of applying for residence permits. The measure is expected to benefit at least 700,000 people per year.


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